
The Foundation Center

This website provides a good introduction to the world of foundation grant-making and offers insights into new trends in philanthropy and helpful tips for your search for funding. For a modest fee (temporary subscription of $9.95/month; can be renewed monthly), a special Foundation Center Website provides access to a searchable database on grants for individuals.

Proposal Writing

This site provides information on how to write a proposal.

Foundation Finder

Foundation Finder allows users to search for basic information about a foundation, including contact information, assets, and total giving, and provides links to foundation websites and a foundation’s most recent 990-PF form.


This website provides several years’ worth of 990-PF forms for foundations and basic information on non-profit organizations in general.

Grant Station

This website provides a searchable database to find grantmakers based on specific criteria.  The database is accessible with a paid subscription.  If you are a member of the MIT community, contact OFR to access this site from our office.


This website specializes in resources for science.

Chronicle of Philanthropy

This is the newspaper of the non-profit world that includes tools, training, and instructions in writing grant proposals.

Council for Advancement and Support of Education

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is the professional organization for advancement professionals at all levels who work in alumni relations, communications, fundraising, marketing and other areas.

Association for Fundraising Professionals

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents more than 30,000 members in 200 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education, and certification programs.  The association fosters development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.

European Foundation Centre

The European Foundation Centre is an international association of foundations and corporate funders dedicated to creating an enabling legal and fiscal environment for foundations, documenting the foundation landscape, strengthening the infrastructure of the sector, promoting collaboration, both among foundations and between foundations and other actors.

Giving USA 2015

The Annual Report on Philanthropy, published by the Giving USA Foundation.  See highlights from the 2015 report here.

Grants.Gov is the single location to find over 900 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies and provides an accurate and reliable location to search for grant information.


A blog of opinion and commentary from Philanthropy News Digest.

Lucy Bernholz writes a blog on philanthropy.


The leading source of corporate social responsibility and sustainability news, reports, events and information.


A global resource for non-profit, philanthropy and corporate social engagement professionals. It is free of charge and features the industry’s leading e-mail newsletter.

Philanthropy UK

The leading resource for free and impartial advice to aspiring philanthropists who want to give effectively. The site develops and shares current information and best practice on giving; provides accessible links to specialists; and aims to inspire more people to become philanthropic.

 Inside Philanthropy

The inside scoop on foundations and individual donors. The site aims to increase oversight and transparency in the nonprofit sector. It covers giving in the arts, education, economy, environment, health, science, impact investing, and issues with both a global and a local focus.