For Faculty

Foundation Relations works with senior officers, deans, faculty, researchers and administrators in multiple ways.

OFR staff serve as relationship managers for a portfolio of foundations, where we design and implement a coordinated strategy for MIT to maximize support from foundation partners, including all the steps leading up to and following solicitation.  We manage a total of approximately 170 foundation prospects, representing those with the greatest potential for MIT in terms of dollars and strategic relevance.

OFR staff also track and organize active Requests for Proposals (RFPs) from a variety of sources through the dissemination of a once-per-month newsletter.

For those projects that have been designated as priorities by the president, the provost, dean, department head, or head of a lab or center, we can:

  • Provide background information on the history of MIT’s relationship with specific foundations and devise strategies for approaching them
  • Help to develop a project from idea to fundable program
  • Conduct prospect research to identify foundations that are potential matches for a project
  • Identify relevant program officers at foundations and facilitate contact with them
  • Set up schedules and travel for meetings with foundation representatives
  • Provide assistance in drafting and editing proposals
  • Provide assistance in negotiating terms of an award
  • Maintain contact with foundations, both during and after the grant-making cycle

For other non-priority projects, Foundation Relations staff can provide various forms of assistance on a case by case basis.

Foundation Relations staff works closely with School Development Officers (SDOs).

If you would like more information about the foundation fundraising process, we suggest that you first contact your SDO to discuss your project before contacting one of the Foundation Relations staff.